University of Embu (UoEm) ODeL Directorate
E-learning is a perfect option for those who want to learn beyond the walls of the classroom.
University of Embu (UoEm) ODeL Directorate
E-learning is a perfect option for those who want to learn beyond the walls of the classroom.


E-Learning and Blended Learning

The University of Embu, has embraced e-Learning as a mode of teaching and learning. E-learning gives students access to innovative blended learning.  The term blended learning refers to the educational practice of combining digital learning tools with the traditional face-to-face classroom teaching. This mode of study gives flexibility to learning thus providing students with the opportunity to study in a paced class that suits their diverse needs. Students are also able to make use of multi devices to access online courses.

The University of Embu virtual classes are interactive. We have adopted the constructivist and social constructivist approaches to learning.  These approaches have led to creation of virtual learning communities among students and staff for information and knowledge sharing.

Further, the University provides free internet to students through numerous designated hotspots within the University premises. University of Embu offers programmes at Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors, Masters and PhDs levels through the blended learning mode of delivery.

Access to the University of Embu E-learning Platform

The University has a E-Learning Platform known as the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS). This platform operates within an online environment and has been singled out as one of the most popularly used LMS by institutions of higher learning globally. Being an open source software, the LMS has flexibility that allows for customization to include variety plugins. It has also been credited for its interactivity capability in carrying out online activities and other inbuilt operations (forums, chats, glossaries, wikis, assignments, quizzes, SCORM players, folders, file, e-Book, Page, urls e.t.c.).

Basic e-Learning requirements for students

Due the advances in global dynamics and the need to adopt to the changing world, there is need for all students to acquaint themselves with basic skills to enable them learn online. Students are therefore required to ensure that they acquire basic literacy skills and have basic devices for accessing internet connectivity, including a laptop or a smart phone. The University strives to ensure that students acquire basic literacy skills and knowledge suited for online learning. Specifically:
i) Students are trained in computer literacy skills and effective use of the Learning Management System (LMS) to enable them chat online, do quizzes, assignments, download and upload documents online.
ii) Under blended learning, students have consistent and reliable access to the online environment.
iii) Students take responsibility of their studies ensuring that they successfully complete the online activities (E-Tivities).

Students are advised to seek assistance through the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prof. Speranza Ndege, PhD; MSc; MA; BED (Hons); PGDE e-Teaching; FHEA (Fellow Higher Academy, UK);

e-Learning Portal

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