Training of Staff & Students on e-Learning


The University has carried out training at two levels, namely:

1.   Training of Academic Staff

Training of Teaching Staff from January – July 2021
1.    A retooling for all full time teaching staff was conducted on 5th February 2021.
2.    A training for all part-time lecturers was conducted on 12th February 2021. M
3.    An Onlinisation training for University of Embu  Faculty was carried out by Makerere University from 24th February 2021 to 16th March 2021.  (This training was supported by Partnership for Enhanced Blended Learning (PeBL) and Association of Commonwealth Universities (UCU). It is important to note that Commission for University Education (CUE) was part of the PEBL Project in Eastern Africa since its inception in 2018).
4.    A training for School of Business and Economics was conducted on 23rd and 29th June 2021
5.    A training for School of Education and Social Sciences, Department of Humanities was conducted on the 1st and 2nd July 2021.
6.    A training for School of Agriculture was conducted on 15th and 16th June 2021.
7.    A training for School of Pure and Applied Sciences, School of Law and School of Education and Social Sciences, Department of Education was conducted on 28th and 29th July 2021.

Training of staff was successfully conducted between March 2020 – December 2020.
The University has been training/retooling the teaching staff continuously to acquire the necessary skills for the online environment namely the UoEm LMS and Web conferencing. To-date all teaching staff have been trained.
The University has ensured that all staff are facilitating courses online effectively and efficiently.
All new teaching staff recruited to teach in the University whether full-time of part-time go through the rigorous training to handle students in an online environment.


University of Embu has held an onlinisation training to is develop interactive modules to conform to international standards for blended learning.
The training was conducted by Makerere University from 24th February 2021 to 16th March 2021. The training was sponsored by Partnership for Enhanced Blended Learning (PeBL) and Association of Commonwealth of Learning (ACU).
The University of Embu teaching staff have now acquired the necessary skills to develop the interactive modules for use by students learning under blended learning. The training was also held by top University Management, academic staff in teaching departments, ICT personnel and Administrative Assistants.
Development of interactive modules for online and blended learning is ongoing.

Teaching/Learning Online Using the UoEM e-Learning Management System – 100% successful
The training of staff and students was conducted between March – May 2020 as follows:
1.    Training of Deans and Chairpersons of Departments - 31st March 2020 at 9am (100% successful).
2.    Training of Lecturers from School of Education and Social Sciences (SESS) and School of Business and Economics (SBE) - 31st March 2020 at 2pm (100% successful).
3.    Training of Lecturers from School of Pure and Applied Sciences (SPAS) and School of Law - 1st April 2020 at 9am (100% successful).
4.    Training of Lecturers from School of Agriculture (SOA) and School of Nursing (SON) - 1st April 2020 at 2pm (100% successful).
5.    Training of Administrator from Admissions, Library and Academic Programmes - 2nd April 2020 (100% successful).
6.    A 2nd Training of Lecturers from School of Education and Social Sciences (SESS) and School of Business and Economics (SBE) - 6th April 2020 at 9am (100% successful).
7.    A 2nd Training of Lecturers from School of Pure and Applied Sciences (SPAS) and School of Law - 1st April 2020 at 2pm (100% successful).
8.    Training of 1st Group of Class Representatives - 7th April 2020 at 8.45 am (100% successful).
9.    A 2nd Training of Lecturers from School of Agriculture (SOA) and School of Nursing (SON) - 7th April 2020 at 2pm (100% successful).

  2.   Training of Students

Training of students was successfully conducted between March 2020 – March 2021
All students in the University of Embu have been trained of effective use of the Learning Management System (LMS). Teaching and learning takes place through face-to-face, Web conferencing and the LMS. Teaching face-to-face and online facilitation via the e-Platforms is thorough.
All new students joining the University are taken through intensive training to equip them with necessary skills for learning in an online environment.
All students in University of Embu are learning online. They do study prescribed texts, supplementary resources, engage in online e-tivities synchronously and asynchronously via discussion forums, chats, wikis etc. The do online assignments and other forms of assessments and submit (upload) them online for grading by their Facilitators.

  1. Training of 2nd Group of Class Representatives - 16th April 2020 at 9 am (100% successful).
  2. Training of Students - on 20th April 2020 (100% successful).
  3. Training of Students - 21st April 2020 (100% successful).
  4. Training of Students - 22nd April 2020 (100% successful).
  5. A make-up training of Lecturers from all Schools - 28th April 2020 (100% successful).
  6. Training of Students -11th May 2020 (100% successful) (100% successful).
  7. Training of Students - 12th May 2020 (100% successful).
  8. Training of Students -13th May 2020 (100% successful).

Training Projection on use of UoEM e-Learning Management System
There will be continuous training for:
1.    All new teaching staff joining University of Embu
2.    All New students joining University of Embu
e-Learning Platforms used for Online Teaching/Learning
1.    UoEm e-Learning Management System
2.    UoEm E-Lecture
3.    UoEm Web Conferencing

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